Contact us

Contacts:Denise wang

Mobile :18018841650

Tel :0512-36602363

Fax :0512-36602363


Add :No.235 Beiyuan road, Dianshanhu town, Kunshan city, Jiangsu province

Brand Name:Water cooled cooling conveyor

Product Model:BCC (optional: water tank)

Advantage: The water-cooled good cooling effect improve the quality of products. The rubber blank through the vibration one prevent glue adhesion and deformation. Is the spiral design to save space. The cooling of the product diversity.

The water-cooled, good cooling effect, improve the quality of products.
The rubber blank through the vibration one, prevent glue adhesion and deformation.
Is the spiral design to save space.
The cooling of the product diversity.
Main technical parameters:

上一篇:Air cooling type cooling conveyor
