Contact us

Contacts:Denise wang

Mobile :18018841650

Tel :0512-36602363

Fax :0512-36602363


Add :No.235 Beiyuan road, Dianshanhu town, Kunshan city, Jiangsu province

Brand Name:cold feeding gear pump strainer

Product Model:

The cold feeding gear pump Strainer can realize low temperature straining. The rubber with sulfur inside can be also filtered. The filtering nets of different types of rubber can be 0-300 meshes. It is convenient and simple to clean the remaining material when changing the rubber.

The cold feeding gear pump Strainer can realize low temperature straining. The rubber with sulfur inside can be also filtered. The filtering nets of different types of rubber can be 0-300 meshes. It is convenient and simple to clean the remaining material when changing the rubber.


上一篇:Gear pump strainer
